


Enrollment policies

Class Enrollment: Our year-round classes are based on Perpetual Enrollment. This means once you’ve enrolled your child in a class, they will be able to keep their time slot as long as needed, and as long as the class exists. They will automatically continue each month unless they are promoted to another level or we are given proper notice of withdrawal. If you are new to our program, though not required, we recommend a 3-month minimum commitment to truly start to see the benefits. Classes meet once per week.

New Families: New Water Babies families should begin during the first week of the month (second week is okay.) If a new family enrolls after the second class in the month, they will be notified via email that their start date will be pushed to the following month.

Tuition and Billing: Tuition is billed monthly. The monthly billing amount may vary based on the number of lesson days in the month, including adjustments for holidays or other closures. (See our 2024 Calendar for ‘No Class’ dates.)  

Tuition for the upcoming month is billed on the 24th of the current month. If the 24th falls on the weekend or a holiday, payments will be processed the next business day. Once you are enrolled in lessons, you will continue to be billed monthly until you notify us of your withdrawal request via the Withdrawal form (see ‘Withdrawing from Lessons’ below). Tuition for your first month will be prorated based on the number of classes left in the month and will be billed within the week of your enrollment.

Class Pricing: (Effective for Nov 2024 tuition) In Renton, Water Babies and Water Kids classes are $34/ child per lesson. In Bellevue, Kirkland & Everett, Water Babies classes are $35/ child per lesson. In Sammamish, Water Babies classes are $33/ child per lesson. Tuition rates for Water Kids Private Lessons and Adult Aquatics will vary; please contact office for more info.  

Annual Registration Fee: Each enrolled family will be charged a $36 non-refundable Annual Registration Fee, to be charged each January. Families enrolling after January will be prorated this fee based on the month they begin classes and will be billed within the week of their enrollment. (This fee only applies once a family has enrolled in a class; they will not be charged for simply setting up their Parent Portal.)

Payment Information: Once you have established your personal Water Babies Parent Portal, the payment information you entered will be held in our enrollment system for future use. This is a secure system that follows PCI compliance regulations for establishing a secure connection with your payment processor.

You are responsible for making sure your form of payment remains current; this can be edited by you at any time within your portal. We accept bank debit, Visa, Mastercard and American Express. 

If a monthly payment is declined, you will be notified via automated email so that you can remedy the situation via your Parent Portal. If unresolved after one week, you will receive an email from our office alerting you to the problem and allowing one more week to make payment. If payment is not made within two weeks of the initial notification, the student may be dropped from the class.

Withdrawal from Lessons: To withdraw from lessons, please complete and submit the Withdrawal form. To avoid being billed for the upcoming month, please submit your withdrawal request form no later than the 15th of the current month. If you submit the form:

  • Between the 16th and the 23rd of the month, we can remove your student(s) from the next month’s lessons with a $30 late withdrawal fee.
  • Between the 24th and the end of the month, we can remove them from next month’s lessons, and we will refund 50% of your tuition with no late withdrawal fee.
  • Between the 1st and 7th of the same month, we can remove them from lessons, and we will refund 25% of your tuition with no late withdrawal fee.
  • After the 7th of the same month, there will be no refund.

Absence from Class: When you enroll your child in a lesson, you are reserving a slot that may be in high demand. By reserving your space, you are agreeing to pay for that space independent of your child’s attendance. It is your responsibility to ensure your appointments, vacations, and other activities do not conflict with any lessons for which you have enrolled. There are no tuition refunds or credits for class absences. There are NO MAKE-UPs if you miss a class.

Cancelled Classes: On occasion, Water Babies must cancel a class due to pool contamination (fecal or throw-up), power outage, inclement weather, etc. When this happens, either make-up time will be provided or a Water Babies credit will be placed in your Parent Portal for future use. This credit will remain in your account, if unused, for up to one year. 

As soon as the office is informed of the need to cancel a class, we will notify affected families via text alert. 

No Show / No Contact for Extended Period: If after 8 weeks of consecutive absences (“no shows”) with no email communication to the Waterbabies office, we will assume the family no longer wishes to attend lessons. We will withdraw the student and stop payment for the class, and free the space up for another family. No refunds will be issued for the time missed.    

Class Times Subject to Change: Water Babies reserves the right to cancel or change class times due to low enrollment within an instructor’s shift. If Water Babies cancels a class due to insufficient enrollment, we will give you options for enrollment in another class. If we are unable to find an alternative, your tuition will be refunded. This also applies if your class time is affected due to low enrollment in a different class within your instructor’s shift, causing your class time to be shifted. 

Instructors Subject to Change: Water Babies reserves the right to move instructors to different times or pools as needed. Personal schedules may change or they may be needed to teach elsewhere based on their particular program training.

Sub Instructors: When a regularly scheduled instructor is unavailable to teach a shift (due to illness, emergency, etc.), rather than cancel classes, our priority is to provide a substitute instructor to teach the class in their absence. No refunds/credits will be given when there is a substitute teacher for the class. Credits are only given when there is no teacher available to teach and classes must be cancelled.

Appropriate Behavior: Water Babies believes in treating everyone with courtesy and respect; therefore, we hold that same standard to all families in our program. Water Babies reserves the right to cancel enrollment for persons behaving in a rude or abusive manner toward other Waterbabies families, any facility staff, or other facility guests.

Inclement Weather: In the case of extreme weather conditions and/or poor driving conditions, we will do our best to initiate all cancellation communications in a timely manner.

  • For daytime classes, under most circumstances if there are school closures in the district closest to the facility, we too will close and cancel classes. (If there are school district 1- or 2-hour delays, Waterbabies will continue classes as normal.)
  • For weekend and evening classes, we will continually monitor the conditions and notify families as soon as possible once a decision has been made to cancel swim classes. 

Equipment & supplies

Swim Diapers: Reusable swim diapers are REQUIRED for all children under 5 years of age – even if potty-trained. Acceptable swim diapers: Reusable, cloth swim diapers with snug-fitting elastic/band around the waist and legs. Acceptable brands are Green Sprouts, iPlay, and Splash About’s Happy Nappy. Unacceptable swim diapers: disposable diapers, wraparound diapers, and diapers with ties, velcro, or wide-spaced snaps. Visit our online store.

Goggles: Clear lens goggles (so your child can see you) are REQUIRED for all parents participating in Water Babies (Parent-Tot) classes. Goggles are also REQUIRED for all children in WaterBabies 2 (18-36 mos) and higher level classes.

Swim Caps: Highly recommended for anyone (parents or children) with hair below their ears.

Towels: Don’t forget to bring your own towels. 

Swim Fins: Floating fins or Zoomers are REQUIRED for children in WaterKids 5 or higher. These should be labeled with your child’s name.

Basic guidelines & pool etiquette

No Food Right Before Class: To prevent a throw-up accident, please don’t feed your child solids or heavy foods less than one hour before class.

No Outside Shoes on Deck: (Beginning June 2023) To help keep the pool deck free from dirt and debris, no outside shoes are allowed in the pool deck area. If you are uncomfortable being barefoot on deck, be sure to bring a clean pair of sandals or flip-flops to change into before you enter the pool area. There will be shoe racks at each pool entrance.

No Food and Beverages:  Snacks are not allowed on the pool deck at any time. The only exception is bottled water in a non-glass container.

Before Water Babies Classes: We ask parents to wait on the benches/chairs at the side of the pool for your class to begin. Do not allow your child to wander on the pool deck or sit on the side of the pool splashing and kicking (this is distracting to the class in progress). When the class before you starts singing the ‘Goodbye Song’ that is the cue to come to the side of the pool and sit with your child to get ready for safe entry.

During Water Babies Classes: Please stay with your class. If you need to move away to help calm your child, please let the instructor know.

Before/After Water Kids Classes: When children are in classes without a parent, at least one adult must stay on the pool deck during the class. If it’s too hot or crowded to wait in the pool area, at the very minimum, an adult must accompany swimmers on deck until they are safely in the water with their instructor, remain in the building during class, and return to meet them on deck 2-3 minutes before the end of their class.

Shouting: Do not shout instructions to your child from the side of the pool while they are in class. It is essential to allow the teacher to lead activities without interruption.

Pool Use: Enter and exit the pool promptly at the start and end of your class. The pool is for class use only. No open swim is allowed during lesson time unless otherwise posted.

Health guidelines

COVID-19: If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home and notify the office. For full CDC guidance on when you should stay home, visit If You Were Exposed and If You Are Sick.

Communication: Keep us informed of any health conditions or contagious illnesses ASAP. 

Eating: Do not feed your child at least one hour prior to class to avoid the possibility of throwing up in the pool.

Ears: Internal ear infections are not caused by water entering the ear externally.

Weather: Be sure to dry ears and hair after exiting the pool, especially when it is cold.

Cold: Do not attend class if your child is discharging yellow or green mucous, as that is an indication of an infection. However, if your child has mild cold symptoms (runny nose, light cough) without an infection, but feels well enough and is in good spirits, it is okay to come to class.

Fever: Do not attend class if your child has a fever.

Diarrhea: Do not attend class until you’ve had 7-10 days with no sign of diarrhea.

Chicken pox:  Wait until the scabs start to fall off before coming to class.

Chlorine: We are not in the water long enough for the chlorine to be a problem unless you or your child has chlorine sensitivity.

Eyes: If your child has eczema, their eyes may be sensitive to the chlorine, and goggles will help protect their eyes.

Poop accidents: If you suspect your child has had a poop accident during class, please exit the pool before checking their swim diaper.